New Year’s Resolutions
I can’t believe we are halfway through the year already. This is crazy! What happened to all those months? If someone finds them, please let me know.
So with the new financial year ticking over, I’ve gone back to assess how I’m going with my new year’s resolutions. Am I on track? Or did they fall by the wayside back in February (it’s not still February?)?
For 2013, my resolution was easy: watch one movie a week for the entire year. The reason behind it was the fact that I haven’t seen that many movies. Unless it’s a romantic comedy – I’ve seen all of those. I sit in screenwriting seminars and have no idea of the classics. I feel ashamed for calling myself a screenwriter.
So I laid down the challenge. I had to watch the movies and they had to be from all different genres, movies I had always wanted to see, and movies I would never even consider watching normally.
A movie a week might not sound like much, but when you’re juggling too many things, it can be difficult to find the time. But I am proud to say that I’m on track – kind of. Okay, okay, stop looking at me so disapprovingly because you know I’m lying. I am currently four weeks behind. But that is actually better than I thought it’d be. I’ll make it up, this is one resolution that I’m not skipping out on.
So how are you going with your new year’s resolutions? Remember, we’re only halfway through the year, there is still time to do something about them. Or, just go with my other resolution: to be awesome. You can then pretend like you’ve met that one without even trying.
Have any movie suggestions? What should I watch like my life won’t be fulfilled without seeing it? Suggestions and comments below.
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