Aliens are here… almost! Freebie alert.

I am itching for you all to read my Project Integrate Series, Unite, Divide, and Conquer. With the official release date set for December 3, I am counting down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Okay, maybe not the seconds, I’m kind of busy.

As of today, there are two weeks and one day to go. Eeep! I can’t wait to share Amery and Lochie’s story with you. I fell in love with these characters the moment I started writing Unite and I am still obsessed with them. They kind of hate each other, which I adore.

As a special thank you for all my blog readers, I am giving you an exclusive sneak peek into this series by releasing the short prequel early. Grab your copy of Ignite for free today! That’s right, I said free! Get to know Amery and Lochie before the rest of the world does.

Ignite takes place a year before Unite begins and follows Amery as she goes to summer camp for the first time. We are introduced to her friends – and Lochie, of course. When a camper goes missing, Amery fears his disappearance is linked back to her and can’t even breathe until he is found again.

Pick up your free copy here. Did I mention it was free? Talk about a bargain.

If you like Ignite, you can pre-order the rest of the series via B&N, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, and a bunch of other places.

Two weeks and one day, mark your calendar for December 3 as the day the aliens arrive. Do-do-do-do (insert X-Files theme here).

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