Spring Fling Blog Hop!
Today is my turn to host a wonderful author as part of the Spring Fling Blog Hop! Today, I have Lola Stvil who has kindly answered a bunch of questions. Here we go:
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
–The READERS , I love the fans comments and their reactions!
What’s the worst thing about being a writer?
–There are times when your motivation is lacking, and the anxiety when the book comes out worrying about spoilers and the ratings.
Tell us more about your books.
– I love the relationship I have with my characters, they are pushy and overbearing but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The characters sometimes even surprise themselves, their COMING INTO their own facing new challenges each series is different with their own circumstances.
Tell us something interesting about your main character.
–In the Guardians Emmy may only be human. But she is by far the bravest and most powerful character.
In the Noru, Pryor is just like her mother in so many ways, like her father even more but still manages to be her own person. She’s a great leader especially when the tough decisions roll around. But being as young as she is, she doesn’t take her powers for granted but she does still make mistakes.
Coffee or Tea?
What was the last YA book you read?
Why do you write YA?
–There’s just something about the fantasy world that I love, I love the fast pace of battles with all the scandal and drama of romance.
What are your top tips for surviving a bad review?
–After a while you just have to stop reading reviews. Not everyone is going to like what you write, and if you get upset or disheartened at everyone’s bad review when it comes out it’ll make you insane and you’ll withdraw from your characters.
What inspires you?
–When the Tics (my readers )on my page or my ARS get to a really good spot and they react and message me like OMO WHAT!!! JUST the pure adrenaline , awe, and the raw emotion. And of course my pushy Angels.
Where can READERS find your books:
Amazon – Kiss of Christmas Magic
iTunes – Kiss of Christmas Magic
To find out more about the Spring Fling, visit here
To find out more about Lola, visit her website here.
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