
Archive of : Guest

Guest Post: My Name Is Ariele and I Write Books: A Tiny Piece of Backstory

Hi, my name is Ariele and, as you can see from the title, I write books. My primary genre is science fiction, but I also like to play around with genre’s like romance and mystery. My newest book, The Wounded World, is a sci-fi adventure with a little romance...

Guest Interview: G.S. Wright

As part of the Book Blogger Fair, I would like to welcome fellow writer G.S. Wright as we get to know him a little better. - How did you know you had to start writing? I have always liked telling stories. It started with writing comic books and moved...

Guest Post: Emma Calin

Please welcome our guest author, Emma Calin. ———- Hi, great to be here on your blog Jamie,  on the first day of the  Blogger Book Fair (BBF)! My name is Emma Calin, I am a British author and I live in France and the UK. I have had a very...

Guest Post: Creativity

This week we have a guest post from Jessica Peterson, writer of the wonderful blog A Word of Two, about a Word. Having recently watched a video of a speech by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love), I have to agree that there are moments when it is...

Cool Dogs

This week we have a guest blog from Cool Dogs. They love dogs just as much as I do, so they are urging you to keep your dogs active with some interesting dog toys. Take it away, Cool dogs… It is a fact that all dogs need stimulation, some...