Dark Eyes

I was overjoyed recently when my short story Dark Eyes made it into the top 100 teen romance books on Amazon. It debuted at number 87 and within four days had climbed to 53. And it’s still climbing.

UPDATE: See how you can be a part of Dark Eyes, here! Exciting New Develpments!

I love this story, which you can read here. It’s only a short one, but well worth the read (not that I’m biased or anything – okay, maybe a little, don’t judge me). The main character Ariel is intrigued when the new kid in school arrives. With more secrets than socks, she quickly feels the need to know everything about him. The fact that he’s cute doesn’t hurt either.

I got the idea for this story after hearing about an urban legend. Spoilers below, so go read the story – now. You’ve been warned.

The legend is explained in the book, but it’s basically about a group of people known as the Dark Eyed People. Their eyes are completely black, can you imagine how weird it would be seeing someone like that? Our eyes are the window to the soul, they express so much and to have them completely blank? I don’t know how Ariel can carry a conversation while staring into those eyes.

Anyway, I digress, the Dark Eyed People are apparently real. If you Google it, there are countless stories of people claiming to have real encounters. Which I do find a little amusing, as the legend goes once you invite them inside they will kill you. Who is left to tell the story? Perhaps some people with more luck that just a four leaf clover can give you?

I liked the legend of the Dark Eyed People, I thought they were curious enough to actually exist and perhaps they do walk amongst us. I hope I never encounter one, not unless they read Dark Eyes first and enjoyed it, anyway. Perhaps they’re not as sexy as vampires or werewolves, but Gabe is pretty hot and that’s enough for me.

So, open up your minds, I’m sure we don’t know everything that the world has to offer. Read Dark Eyes and let me know what you think. The feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive, readers keep telling me they want to see more of Ariel and Gabe’s story. Who knows? If enough people hassle me about it, I just might have to write it.

What’s your favourite urban legend? Share below, I’m always after new ideas!

(11) Comments

  • Ana
    20 Mar 2013

    I love Dark Eyes!When does the second part come out???I can’t wait any longer!

    • Jamie Campbell
      20 Mar 2013

      Hi Ana, thank you for the comment, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I think I may have to write a second part for Dark Eyes. I’ll get right on it!

      • Ana
        24 Mar 2013

        Woe..I didnt think you’d respond..This is awesome!!!I’m actually talking to an author!–Of a good book too!

        • Jamie Campbell
          27 Mar 2013

          Always a pleasure, Ana :-)

  • Angelena
    23 Mar 2013

    I LOVED Dark Eyes, please, please,please write a 2nd part. I NEED more Ariel and Gabe. I read Dark Eyes via the Nook, if u do make a 2nd book plz make it the same price as the 1st one. I love ur books, thx soo much for writing them. :-)

    • Jamie Campbell
      23 Mar 2013

      Thanks so much for your feedback, Angelena.

      Some good news! I started the second book today. Keep checking back, it will probably be released late next month. I’m having a lot of fun with Ariel and Gabe, their story is about to get VERY interesting.

  • Jessica
    24 Mar 2013

    Wow, congratulations! That’s wonderful to see!

  • billie
    08 Apr 2013

    I am not a teenager, but an adult and I stumbled upon Dark Eyes by accident. I have to say Cutos to you Great Book!!! Looking forward to reading the next installment. Is there a place to sign up to get an email for when your next book comes out?

    • Jamie Campbell
      10 Apr 2013

      Hi Billie, thanks for the comment, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I love Young Adult too and I’m not a teenage either. If you sign up to my newsletter at the top right hand side of my site, you will be sure to be notified when the next part is out.

  • Serenity
    09 Apr 2013

    Are you almost done with the second book? I found the book today and want to read more!!!!!!!!!

    • Jamie Campbell
      10 Apr 2013

      Hi Serenity, check out the Dark Eyes page (found through clinking the link in the update post above) which will give you a chance to be a part of Dark Eyes. It’s not too late to join in the fun! The second book should be out around June.

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