Guest Post: Emma Calin

Please welcome our guest author, Emma Calin.


Hi, great to be here on your blog Jamie,  on the first day of the  Blogger Book Fair (BBF)!

My name is Emma Calin, I am a British author and I live in France and the UK.

I have had a very busy week – my new book came out on the 18th and launch-fever has been raging ever since.  To celebrate the BBF and my new book, here is a clip of me down at the park bandstand last weekend, ‘blowing my own horn’, as usual…

A fanfare of sorts for my new book…. a ‘boxed set’ of novelettes and short stories: ‘The Love in a Hopeless Place Collection’

It came out on the 18th July and is available on Amazon Worldwide in e-book format for Kindle, iPad, Android, iPhone, Mac, PC etc.

The book consists of five stand-alone titles which are all available on Amazon as separate entities as well.  They are realist ‘true life’ tales from the less advantaged sectors of society – often based on my own experiences or folk I have met.  Although not romances as such, they follow a common human theme – the quest for love and respect in a harsh world. Social realism for the 21st century.

Today I am featuring one of the stories: THE CHOSEN on Jamie’s blog.  I would like to offer you a snippet from The Chosen,  in the form of a ’3-Way Seduction’ – by sharing a character, a location and a sentence from the end of a scene.

Book Title: The Chosen (#2 in the Love in a Hopeless Place Collection)

Genre: Short Story, dark humour

Blurb: A woman, a man, a van and a plan. What do painting and decorating, Thai brides, self-help manuals and pay-day loans have in common? J.A. knows the answer. Follow his his quest for love and happiness in The Chosen.

When the luck runs out; the lucky walk away. A short story set in the extremis of everyday.


Emma’s ‘Three Way Seduction’  – A Character – A Location – An end of scene sentence:

Character:  ‘J.A.’ He sat eating a thin white bread sandwich, spread with thin red jam, with his thin white hands. He rolled a cigarette as thin as a match and inhaled deeply so that the red end glowed. He handed me his baccy and papers and began to talk the smoke from his wheezing lungs.

Location: He started the van, tapping at the fuel gauge. I could see we were nearly empty. We were sixty miles south of home in London. The engine was rattling more and more. I kept my mouth shut.

End of scene sentence: ‘It’s what’s called having a business mind my friend. It’s about grasping the moment. I feel like Lady Macbeth on the eve of Agincourt,’ he said.

Were you seduced?

To celebrate the launch and the Blogger Book Fair, this and all my books are available for the bargain price of 99c/77p each for the duration of the fair (The Collection will be going back up to $4.99 from the 1st of August).

If that’s not enough to tempt you, I have also made one of the stand-alone titles – ‘ANGELA’ from the collection,  FREE – go on, download it you know you want to!

Thanks for having me Jamie, regular readers of this blog can visit Jamie’s post on my blog here:

Author Links For more books by Emma Calin:

Emma Calin Blog:

Emma Calin Website:


Facebook Page for book:

Twitter:@Emma Calin



For my next stop on the Blogger Book Fair, see below, there will be more excerpts and perhaps another tune from the bandstand…

22ndJuly  Caitlyn Nicholas

Jamie Campbell

23rd July Emily Tippets

Penelope Reece

24th July  Leslie R. Wright

25th July  Aria Glazki

Barbara Billig

26th July  Don Wooldridge

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