
Archive of : August, 2014

Cover Reveal – Rise!

For those that love the Project Integrate Series, the good news this morning is that Rise has an official release date – November 22.   That’s right, it is only 3 months to go until you will finally know how the entire saga ends. And Rise does end. No...

The Beast with no Beauty – out now!

We have come to the final story in the Fairy Tales Retold series. This weekend, The Beast with no Beauty was released. Writing this series, which kind of just happened accidently, has been so much fun. I love fairy tales so being able to twist them and tell them...

Something great is coming…

Of course, I would be biased. But yesterday I spent most of the day locked in a room with a few amazingly talented people. The result? Gah, I can’t tell you.   A new trilogy is coming soon and it’s been a long time in the making. I had...