
Archive of : Musings


  I am currently on holidays. Yeah! It’s been ages since I had any time away so I am making the most of it.   Where in the world am I? Heehee, I feel like Dora the Explorer. I’m in Mexico! That’s right, I’ve schlepped eighteen hours from home...

The End

I read a book lately that has stuck with me. It wasn’t the kind of book I normally read, but there had been so much talk about it that I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Plus, the movie looks good.   The book? The Fault...

Shhh Don’t Tell

  My family were joking the other day about how I should write a book about their lives. My response was how did they know I hadn’t already?  Quite a lot of things I’ve seen, done or heard about make it into my books. Never something in its entirety...

Liar – Out Now!

Yeah! Today is the day I can finally share Liar with you. Check out the tough-but-lovable Amelia Landau as she fights to solve a horrendous crime and release the innocent man rotting in prison. Read more here.

Happy Easter!

  Today, I speak to you from a chocolate coma. I have emerged from a haze of foil wrapped goodness to write this post.  Why? Because I’m of the belief that chocolate makes everything better. Don’t believe me? Give it a try, I dare you. You too could be...