
Archive of : Musings

Finally, I can share!

Remember a few months ago when I said I was working on something big? No? Well, I was. And now I can finally share it with you.   Love Songs is a story about sixteen year old Kaley Thorne. She has a secret songbook where she says everything she...

Guest Post: My Name Is Ariele and I Write Books: A Tiny Piece of Backstory

Hi, my name is Ariele and, as you can see from the title, I write books. My primary genre is science fiction, but I also like to play around with genre’s like romance and mystery. My newest book, The Wounded World, is a sci-fi adventure with a little romance...

Fashion Fraud Alert

Today is the day! The Fashion Series is officially out for your reading enjoyment. The series starts with Fashion Fraud where we meet the fabulous Truly Winx and hear of her big dreams of being a fashion designer. Truly isn’t exactly one for following rules so she is going to...

Who let the secret out?

Okay guys, this isn’t funny anymore. I can’t get away with ANYTHING!   A few weeks ago I secretly put up a pre-sale for my book LOVE SONGS. For those long-term readers, you would know I have blogged heavily about this book.   LOVE SONGS is about a shy...

Too much new stuff!

Whew, September has been a busy month. There are so many updates to tell you, I thought I would compile them in one handy place. So here goes…   Rise – available now on preorder Finished Soar? Waiting to see what happens with the Truconians next? Well, come November...