
Archive of : Musings

Cinderella is Evil

I recently published my short story Cinderella is Evil. You can read it here. Do it now before you forget and then come back here. Done? Okay, then. By now, you should know that Cinderella is Evil is the story of Cinderella told from the perspective of one of...

Veronica Mars – The Movie

Last week I was so excited to see all the buzz about the Veronica Mars television series being turned into a movie. It’s been talked about for years but never eventuated. This time, they decided to fund it independently by using crowdfunding. So far, they’ve raised $4 million out...

10 Life Changing Quotes

I’m a huge fan of quotes. I love them, I live by them. Sometimes you just need that one little thing to lift your spirits and keep you going. As a consequence, I have quotes all over my house. I’m sharing with you my top ten, in the hopes...

Dark Eyes

I was overjoyed recently when my short story Dark Eyes made it into the top 100 teen romance books on Amazon. It debuted at number 87 and within four days had climbed to 53. And it’s still climbing. UPDATE: See how you can be a part of Dark Eyes,...

My Four-Legged Muse

I love writing, which is great considering I’m a writer and all, but I still sometimes have to grasp for inspiration or the will to keep going. A writer’s life can be lonely, stuck in an empty room and typing all day isn’t conducive to be social. If I...